1.7um Fortis C18 UHPLC Columns

  • Use Fortis 1.7um particles as a traditional UHPLC Column
  • Use Fortis 1.7um to increase speed and resolution of analysis
  • 1.7um FortisBIO for peptide and protein analysis

The high surface area of 1.7µ Fortis UHPLC columns gives you the choice to lower backpressure or increase retention and resolution.


Choose from a wide range of phase chemistries in order to gain the resolution you require with the high efficiency of a 1.7µm UHPLC particle:

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Xbridge®, Acquity BEH® and UPLC®, are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. Fortis is not associated with these companies. Comparative separations/results may not be representative of all applications. All columns are original manufacturers own.