PR Dual Piston Pumps
The rugged PR Class consists of dual-headed, positive displacement piston pumps that provide high, accurate flows and excellent pressure capability for a variety of uses. Standard fluid path materials are Stainless Steel and PEEK, in addition to optional Titanium. Other available features include jacketed heads for temperature controlled processes.
The pumps are designed for a wide range of Preparative and SemiPrep Chromatography, as well as SMBC (simulated moving bed chromatography), and many process and industrial applications. With 100 mL/min and 300 mL/min versions, reaching pressures up to 4,000 psi, the pumps will meet the most demanding LC and process needs.
Features include an integrated Prime-Purge Valve, interactive keypad control, and complete PC control and status through RS-232 and Micro USB 2.0 ports. The PR Class provides the flow rates and pressures required for high throughput separations.
100 mL./min.
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, PEEK, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, PEEK, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, PEEK, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Organic Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 100 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Organic Seal
300 mL./min.
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 300 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal
Preparative Pumps
PR Class 300 Pump, SS, Self-Flush, Pulse Dampener, Aqueous Seal